Monday, December 06, 2004

The moral is...being sick blows.

When we arrived home for Thanksgiving, we felt as though we were about to get sick. We felt sickish the whole time we were home and even had to brake some dates with our friends because we weren't feeling well.

Now I am blaring a fever. Either I am still sick from two weeks ago or I managed to pick up something else from a nose picking kid in the front row. MMMmmm...let's see, my bet is on the nose picker.

I was up again last night but only for about an hour or so. I ate lots of cold ice cream to sooth my aching throat.

For those of you that have never lived with me, I should tell you that ever since I was little my skin hurts when I get a fever. I don't understand it, but there's no need to take my temp. when my skin hurts because that is a given that I have a fever.

When I was a freshman in college, I went to the school doctor at Washburn because my skin hurt. I didn't think my fever was that high yet but I wanted to get meds before I got any worse. The doctor took my temp. and said I just needed to exercise. I was angry. I knew I was sick. What did he know, he's just a doctor. I didn't need a speech about exercising, I was getting plenty. By the time I drove the four miles home, I had a raging fever.

So last night I woke up. Not because I couldn't sleep but because James kept touching me. I skooted to the edge of the bed and when he rolled over closer I got a nice tap of the elbow and that was it. I moved to the chair and watch Elimidate, the trashiest dating show out there. Poor James doesn't even know he kept me up all night. He won't even remember telling me, "I'm not touching you," and going back to sleep.

It felt like my fever was so high last night that I am concidering looking for a doctor. Thank God we only have one show today.



Anonymous said...

JAMES! Leave Bekah alone! Love, Dad

Anonymous said...

ROB! Leave James alone! Love, Mom

Anonymous said...

Bekah and James,

Bernadette Peterson here from Gig Harbor Washington State. I know that was many states ago. I was the old lady who had survived a similar tour (five years and one divorce) in the olden days.

I am so sorry you don't feel well, Bekah, I remember feeling as though the grumpy teachers who were lined up against the walls correcting papers, were getting their pound of flesh as I pushed myself to hit notes that I really couldn't because I was sick. I know it feels like they don't care, actually they don't know enough about your crazy schedule to appreciate what it is like being sick and tired and very far frm home.