Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Waldorf classroom

May 2008 140
Originally uploaded by Bekah267
An example of what our classrooms look like!

Sunday, June 22, 2008

May Fest

Originally uploaded by robz431
James, Drew and I played at Prairie Moon School's May Festival!

Saturday, May 10, 2008


It was brought to my attention that I should probably be blogging about the ever changing world I am living in. In October, 2008 I put in my notice with the family I had been nannying for almost 2.5 years. A lot went into that decision but I knew in my heart it was time to go. It was a hard and very sad decision to make.

By December, they had found my replacement. I was babysitting for another family closer to home, who agreed to help make up some of the hours I was losing to help with the transition. I was picking up the children from their school out in the country north of Lawrence. A day or two after this change, a position opened up at their school and I applied. As I had been hoping for some down time, I found the timing of all of this to be extremely poor. I applied anyway.

It was about a month later when I started as the assistant in the early childhood classroom. This decision began an incredible journey both physically and spiritually. Waldorf Education is an amazing type of education that I believe all children should be able to benefit from. In the meantime, it is only offered at expensive private school. But it is worth every penny.

Currently, I am looking into beginning Lifeways training (for early childhood educators, day care providers and nannies) and then I will probably start my Masters in Waldorf Early Childhood Education.

More on this later...